Sunday 25 October 2015


Like the calm before the storm Jiayou!!!!
Edit: the storm has already started 
Had free yogurt and Icecream at work last week 
I've decided that I will go Japan next year, and shop till I drop
Was clearing my room because the mozzies are getting unbearable and I found these 2.. From the gatcha machines at coronation plaza do you guys remember?? Haha cleared a lot of my rubbish but my costumes are still taking up lots of space.. Don't want to sell them cos there's still need them for photoshoots :/ 

Edit: my table's cluttered again cos I'm making another version of my baby 

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Busy busy

Work has never been so busy, the problem is still not solved urgghhhhhghggggg so many red tapes. . Met the YYYYYs! Hoshino coffee's really nice.. My week in photos 


Sunday 11 October 2015

Saved as draft and forgot to publish

Such a hazy september... My lips were peeling for almost a month and I almost thought they were never going to recover because I was in air con everyday. They're much better now :D

Intensively watching world trigger and THIS GUY LOOKS LIKE SHALNARK -love- of course he's less smiley... so he's a seme shalnark hahahaha 

Went and am back from malaysia, left shows this luxurious changing room in a normal mall, super big room, mirror and even got furniture. Zai zai's doing well! 

Super busy month at work, until november. Mostly because I'm dealing with some side projects on a tight schedule and it's all new stuff. Not as much guidance as I would have liked but I'll survive.