About the blog and tag list

Blog owner status: NOT AVAILABLE

A kind and cheerful girl who will, once you get to know her better, show a pampered side. Needs moderate amount of attention and does not  like outdoor activities. Generally needs her freedom and she will likewise give you yours. Extremely loyal and rather easy going unless you interfere with her hobbies which include anime, manga, cosplay and music.

Blog owner's route: General guide and partial walkthrough

Establish contact
Interact and hint about you being romantically interested (Note: This period must not go beyond 5 months*1)
Good topics of interest:
-Anime and manga in general
-Chinese or Japanese Pop

ASK.HER.OUT.IN.PERSON (Success is not guaranteed)
Build the relationship from there

*If blog owner does not already show high interest, chances of success will decrease with time spent in this period. If her interest is high, she might take the initiative and ask you out.

Bloody Call
DRAMAtical Murder
Ijiwaru My Master
Starry Sky in Autumn
Starry Sky in Winter
Yo Jin Bo


  1. Hello im sorry if im doing something wrong... Or speaking english bad (Im Brazilian). But can you tell me how did you make the Shalnark's Cellphone? I Want to make the head and the little wings on my original cellphone. Thank you!!! Please answer me ;--;

    1. No problem! Take a look at this post http://spider9x.blogspot.sg/2014/09/im-so-happy.html
      I used foam sheets and a layer of styrofoam board to make the main body. The little wings are made from card board. Just cut out the shape and paint. I used jumping clay for the details like the eyes, buttons and the edges for the wings.
