Saturday 19 September 2009

UVERworld-- thoughts on Koishikute

Before i get caught up with school work and exams again, let me officially proclaim my love for........*drumroll*........... UVERworld =D
UVERworld is a Japanese rock band with 5 members: Takuya as the lead singer, Katsuya (band leader) and Akira on the guitar, Nobuto on bass and Shintarou on drums

My 1st contact with UVERworld music was around 4 years ago, D-tecnolife-- Bleach's 2nd opening and I found Takuya's voice extremely hard to ignore. I have never really fallen in love with anyone's voice before, not even for David Tao but yep Takuya's voice did the trick. Takuya's voice has a certain smoothness to it that can melt any girl (well, almost every girl) and imo, he sounds really sincere and brings out the emotions of the songs, especially the slow ones. (even though sometimes his 哭腔 startles me alittle) It helps that Takuya composes both the melody and lyrics for the band. Infact it's this amazing talent that attracted me. I mean there's a reason why i don't blog about Chemistry (another jap pop group) but about UVERworld and that is because i'm smitten with Takuya and his voice and the beautiful songs he has composed.

Ok as i said that was a few years ago but the reason why i'm blogging about this only now is because of my reignited passion for the band. I chanced upon a song from the Proglution album a few weeks ago which is considered really late cos the album was released in sept last year ._.

恋いしくて , Koishikute, which means 'I love you'. The melody and later on the lyrics got me marvelling at how talented people can be.. and how i can never reach that level haha.
Will not be posting the full lyrics translation here but just a small part from the bridge which i found especially appealing:

'I have given you too much water such that you wilted; I protected you so much that I had deprived you of sunlight.
I have no idea why, but I miss you
I miss you

Honey that is too sweet, is being hated because of its sweetness.
When the perfect balance is broken and starts to crumble, I became scared.
When I understood what was important,
I let go of love.'

Translation: EveSpecial thanks: narutocool & RidleyZOMG!UVERworld
Taken from Coffee Break

Eh not that i have any past experiences to relate to but i've always been intrigued but the idea of overprotection in a relationship and that being the cause of a break up. And the sense of insecurity in a relationship. Ok.. i wonder if 'intrigued' is the word to use here..
So there i was, gaping at the translation and listening to the song in loops. What a beautiful song =)

Let me stress again, UVERworld is a rock band so slow songs arent that common though the slow rock songs are really worth listening to, eg Kimi no suki na uta and eh.. many more lah. The more commonly heard rock songs from UVERworld are each special in their own ways with inspiring lyrics and catchy melodies amidst the rapping =D Here, i find the drummer- Shintarou really talented too haha
So once again, i really like UVERworld and thanks for the great songs which accompanied me through prelims and maybe A levels too =D
Bugright is my favourite UVERworld album!

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