Wednesday 3 April 2013

Happiest I've felt in weeks

Concert over! It was better than last sem's, at least for my own playing so I'm satisfied.
Polaroid that the section took! It was really rushed, because concert started at 5pm and I didn't take any photos with my phone. Will upload with clearer photos when the official ones are out!

I felt so stressed and awful the day before the concert because of all the stupid school work and presentation stuff which were all magically due one day after the concert. It was like this heavy stone weighing down on my body, plus I knew I had to start emailing professors about doing FYP with them. 

Luckily while writing concert letters to my section late at night, I got quite emotional thinking that it might be my last time playing with some of them and started tearing up. Felt alot better after that and managed to complete my slides for the presentation. 

Yea I know I won't talk about unhappy stuff here but finding a prof for FYP has been making me really unhappy ever since I selected the option at the start of the semester to continue on to year 4. 

I was so worried that the professors would all ignore my email but imagine my joy when the 2 profs I emailed (trying to spam for better chances) both replied within a few hours! Meeting one of them tomorrow ie later :) hope things go well! I don't have a specific area of interest I admit, hahaha I actually chose to email one of the profs because on his lab website, the lab members page was titled 'lab rats'.

Well since I've broken my own rule of posting only happy stuff here, I'll just ramble on a little. To those who are judging, just because I seem to post only about my games/anime/cosplay (even on twitter) doesn't mean that I'm this 100% happy girl with no worries and is spending all her time playing. This is my blog/twitter/tumblr, not yours and I choose to post only what makes me happy. 

Happy belated April Fools!! (and nope, the prev paragraph is not a joke) My games are so cute!!
Too bad I'm not playing Celebrity Darling if not I'd be able to compile all 3 smiling character sprites saying APRIL FOOLS XD

Some screenshots of dates on My Sweet Bodyguard:
Daichi with the MC in the hotsprings and a monkey suddenly shows up. The second picture seems like the monkey saying that he'll protect her from an advancing Daichi LOL

Daichi: Hehe... -gets touchy feely and comes closer-

Mizuki on dates is extremely cute, I can't resist taking screenshots of him every date. I'm especially drawn to his eyes, they look so gentle, clear and light.

But normal sprite wise... SORA MY BABY~~~ He's still my unbeatable favourite!

ASDFGHJKL what would I give for a bf who smiles like this nope nope nope need to wake up from my unrealistic expectations or my mum will never forgive these games and anime.

Meanwhile in  Be My Princess...
and I think to myself your head is too small for your body what a wonderful world~

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