Sunday 14 January 2018

How long will such coolness last

Saved as draft for too long.. quite busy the past weeks as band prac started and after the first shitty prac, I’ve been spending every night on the music scores the past week.

Speaking of shitty band prac, I blew up at the bf last sat night cos he was being extremely irritating. From the start, he had offered to come to school with me and wait for prac to end and have dinner together. So sweet right lol. It's his first time at the ut0wn and he went to look for some place to camp after watching me enter the prac room. When prac just started he texted "Let's play a game" and sent a photo of some random unlabeled back door. I ignored cos I didn't want to play along with the retarded game.

During break, I messaged him and wanted to know where he was since we bought a snack earlier which I assumed was for me to eat during the super short break. Plus I wanted to see him lah. He refused to tell me properly where he was camping at, ask him what level, where, he also just use sticker to reply. If he thought that was funny, he really needs a slap cos I spent the break running up and down the levels trying to find him and didn't even go toilet. I could have used the time to prac more or stuff but wasted it running up and down like idiot while he replied with bloody stickers and even stopped replying after a bit. DAMN irritated, i just threw my phone aside and went back to my instrument. He had the cheek to send me a photo of the snack after my break was over.

By the time prac ended, I felt ok already. After struggling with my section mate's stuck mouth piece , rushing keeping the instruments and ready to leave, once again he started the bloody game of hide and seek. I told him clearly I was at the piano (someone was playing loudly on it at that time and we clearly spoke about the piano before prac started so he damn well knows where the piano is). Again he sent me a photo, this time at least with the name of the auditorium and I immediately stormed over and saw him still sitting at the table right at the corner. HELLO I was rushing to keep my stuff and told you where I was you still sit there havent pack up. DAMN ANGRY ALREADY.

Showed my displeasure and nagged him but kept it cool cos I was hungry and Im sure he was too and we were still in school where there were shou2 ren2 around. Again, he just pretend nothing happen and not a single apology. I let it slide.

At night after he left I thought more about what happened and I couldn't tahan any more. Kinda exploded over the messenger and wth he said I was taking my frustration out on him cos I didn't play well and told me not to join band next time. DAMN ANGRY AGAIN. My music standard, my problem. No need someone who has from the start shown very little interest in my music to tell me whether to join or not. Summore he was the initial supportive one telling me to join and wanting to come and wait for me. Then came the excuse like "you know the school better than me" and still no apology until I stated clearly I wanted one. The whole time I was just lying in bed in tears cos I felt so wei3 qu1. Typing this incident again made me angry. Perhaps extra anger built up cos I played badly and the instrument equipment were not good (we need to pay for extra reeds nvm, but no straps wth!!) but even now when I think back, most of the anger was at him and not at my music. Even if he didn't understand initially, I explained my anger and he still wanted to push the blame. That's too much.

Ytd’s prac was much better cos we established that he would be sitting at the same spot. Playing wise also improved as I looped both pieces on YouTube so many times and was able to follow the conducting. I also managed to get a strap and changed a reed. Some reeds I swear are thicker than usual or sth and impossible to play properly with. Since my lung power has never been good, I’m super sensitive to these “bad” reeds. Don’t believe I’m the only one though :( 
Another change I got to deal with is switching to the tenor sax due to lack of players... have been putting it off and not playing it, but I spent the last week studying the tenor score. The pitch difference will still throw me off for sure but if the reed cooperates I should be able to play decently. Will see how next prac.

On to happier stuff.. I gave up and started playing lyzzr because it looked too good. I’m progressing slowly, at chapter 4. Here are some screenshots from when I just started
First call was from XM and he was lovely.. the game concept is kinda like mystic messenger but more grinding involved, and not real time. This is better as we can play at our own pace. Of course another diff is that I can understand the game wahaha

This was the scene where BQ swept me off my feet. He did that to a million other players too. He is too cool ahhhhhhhhh I want to see more of him! I'm not into chinese voice actors but I recognised his immediately and my love for both characters voiced by ahjie has grown. Anyways my luck with the cards have not been good but I will persist..... as best as I can. If I can’t get good cards, I’ll just turn to the fan fiction side to get my dose of stories hahaha

I bought 2 tubes nail foils to try out since they were cheap and look so pretty. Unfortunately my nail polish and top coat couldn’t stick the foil. Have ordered some cheap nail glue and wait for them to come. I think my choice of nail foil design won’t give the best visual results but let’s see how they actually turn out first before thinking about selling and buying new designs.


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