Thursday 22 August 2013

I'm fuming mad right now.

Mum just deleted my whole folder of game bookmarks, accumulated from 2 years ago. 2 whole years of game links, walkthroughs, interesting game sites.

She's just taking my old laptop to use once in a while so it doesn't go rusty and because it's old of course it'll be slow. Of all things to clear to free up the memory, she chooses to meddle with my bookmarks on google chrome. It's signed in to my gmail account and that saved me lots of trouble in transferring my whole chunk of bookmarks to my new computer.

Fucking deleted my entire 'games and walkthroughs' folder as well as my 'cosplay' folder where I keep links of sales items and reference photos of my past and future characters. Only realised the error when I saw on my current laptop browser the updated bookmarks bar with her stupid google finance link. Nice arh, delete my stuff, claiming it's slowing down the comp, and add your own.

That's not the main reason why I'm angry though. I gave her the permission to delete even though I complained a lot about why she wanted to delete, of all things, my internet bookmarks -___- so in a way I can't blame her. What made me so furious and ready to burst into tears on top of my agitation was that she insisted that I was in the wrong and should have created a separate account for my new laptop.

like what the heck. I access your already logged in email account on your old computer and delete all your emails because they take up soooooooo much space. When you access your email in your new computer and see all the mails gone, will you punch yourself and lament that you should have created another email account, one for every computer you use?? She keeps insisting that I should have kept a set of bookmarks on my current laptop GOD DAMMIT too angry to argue. Should have logged out of everything when I moved on to my current laptop but darn it I wasn't expecting her to delete things. She already has her own laptop where she can personalize all she wants for all I care. Don't meddle with my old stuff!!!

I did a search to see if I could retrieve the links. The solution said to keep the browser open and not to open a new one if it was already closed. Too bad, she had closed it and I had opened it again to show her my point about my gmail being linked to the chrome browser. Goodbye my links, goodbye forever.

URGH.............................. at least she didn't start her meaningless clean up with my mp3s or game files or photos. Still, I feel like punching something so badly

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