Sunday 5 January 2014


My dad's eyesight is much better after the operation and is recovering well.. The medical fees cost a bomb though X__X

Had a rather relaxing week at lab because my cells weren't ready for transfection when I went back on tuesday and so I couldn't start my 4 day long experiment. Prof wasn't around either and I could leave when I was done with the things I needed to do for that day. All these plus holiday mood :X

Met up with cos friends twice this week and oho I finally thickened my skin and added T on fb after an afternoon of running man on saturday. When are the YYYYYs going out again?? 

Was supposed to have a kuroko no basket shoot today morning but my partner felt really unwell so we had to postpone it.. Date still unconfirmed.. A little disappointed because it's a cosplay I'm looking forward to. Also because I cut my eyebrows for nothing LOL yes I'm eyebrowless now

The new cosplays I've scheduled for this year (after FYP) are mostly characters that I chose for myself right from the start and are genuinely interested in taking on XD I love some of the characters so much I'm willing to do a solo cosplay without a partner, something I've never attempted.
Trimmed the wig from scratch and this is the ungel-ed version. I honestly tried to spike it afterwards but the spikes won't hold.. Need to see some pro in action and learn.. Carrot jacket with matching pants. The pants when worn alone makes me look like a member of a lion dance troop lololol jacket is comfortable but it's such a striking orange and screams Shutoku XD need to be really bo chap to wear it out on normal days. This has the potential to qualify as my most comfortable costume in 2014, if the photoshoot takes place ;__;

I'm also looking really forward to my Kaito cos and Subaru (tokyo babylon) cos. When my hxh Kaito stuff arrives I predict I will probably be fangirling so much over myself that I can't take a proper selfie 8) His insane weapon-- Crazy Slots will have to wait till after fyp X__X choosing to do the rifle version, might do the scythe and maze version eventually but we'll see. I love Kaito so much :))) Not more than Shalnark though :))))


  1. Omg Takao~! xD I really love KnB!

    1. Ahh I guess it's pretty obvious with the shutoku costume XD thanks for the comment!
