Thursday 29 June 2017

Caught in the train breakdown but still a good day

I was ridiculously caught in the EW line train disruption yesterday.. Maktub, all because I was going out for dinner and not home. Ended work at an old folk's SAC at bu0na v1st@. If I were going home, I would have taken a straight bus and perhaps avoided it all. But I was planning to go l@ke s1de to wait for the bf. Got on the 2nd train finally but we were all evicted at clement1 station which was like 80% packed. If I were going home, again I could have left and end of story. But no, I was going to minimally Jur0ng E@st. Couldn't squeeze on 3 of the trains and when it was finally my turn to board next, the train dumped all the passengers at Clement1 again -____- When I finally reached JE, the bf who ended work late was already there. 

I also had a slight headache when I got home around 9+

Despite all these, it instantly became a great day because of this:
Finally another SSR after about 2 months. And it's a pretty one, support class :D There's also this event going on where you are entitled to a reward if you draw an SSR you don't already have. Cant wait to see what the reward is XDXD

And because she is a support class, I have good HP amour which is just what she needs. If she were another attacker class, she would need to be sidelined, like my da tian gou because my attack amour are all used by other characters. There's never enough attack amour, sadly.

Also yesterday, my friend helped me take part in the daily kirin kill and whatever little damage I did earned me a 6* slot 6 bao ji amour. This is my very first 6* baoji :D previously I only had 5* ones XD too bad it's not double bao ji but this is good enough! It was a very good day in game ^^

I had cotton candy during lunch the past week :D and here's a photo of the PC game I mentioned. It's.... not what I expected, mysterious and occasionally thrilling and... just a different background art style. The CGs are nice still. I'm on my second guy! Missing a CG for Shin.. will google to find out how to get it. 

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