Monday 2 May 2011

Pet peeves

People eating and chewing loudly
This is especially noticeable if the place is rather quiet and when i'm already kinda irritated with that person

Well, i'm just listing the eating loudly pet peeve cos it's an official one. Main point of today's post is this:

People being persistently irritating

This makes sense. Since i'm already irritated, every single thing to do with the person won't sit well with me, even if it's just a glimpse of the person's dp on fb.

To this person/people, I have a rant: No one really cares, at least, I don't. At the same time, I don't wish to offend you but you seem to take my silence as.. i dunno.. enthusiasm??

I'm not a good person, to have these kind of thoughts.. Sometimes when I see a person trying too hard (only in a certain aspect, but shan't mention here cos will become too specific), I feel irritated too. Instead of working to improve what truly matters, the person puts in so much effort into getting superficial acknowledgement....

I know this is such a small matter to get angry over and that it's none of my business, but it irks me so much. Well, whatever turns the person on. Just don't expect me to play along every time =(((((

The same policy applies. You can try to engage me, but don't give me any pressure to respond! I will explode -angry face- =(

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