Thursday 30 August 2012

International cosplay day 2012

Preparation on the day itself went smoothly this time yay!! That's a first! No missing wig caps, costume, unstickable falsies or tangled wigs (Y) 

Make up this time was good for me, because I used eyeshadow for the first time and am pleased with the effects, though they don't show up in photos. Yz's roll on concealer also made me look very white :D Imma get it! I piled on too much powder though, and ended up looking grey =/ On the other hand..... I didn't help yz and kyou too much with their make up because I was busy with my own =( Left them to auto pilot and gave out commands only once in a while LOL 

Kyou tried to bind her chest cos we were being particular that way hahaha and it worked for like 10 minutes and totally slipped under her chest while we were walking to the busstop from my house. It  might work for me since i'm flatter to begin with. She also scared me before the event by saying that the wig looks hideous on her T___T turns out she wasn't putting it on correctly haiyo she looked fantastic as Kamui okies..

Yz did not look like Katsura........ Zura ja nai, emo-girl-with-long-black-hair da -__- There was nothing I could do about it because it's the nature of the wig. And I'm not an expert on makeup to look like a guy.

The main trouble with this cosplay was in getting the hoodies.. I've elaborated enough in the prev post so yea.. The final accuracy was low too.. So we just tried to make it as colourful as possible and just go see see look look. This event was quite stress free compared to cosfest XD and we took more photos of the other cosers.  

So we went as Hip hop! Katsura, Kagura and Kamui. People actually regconise us XD Met this friendly Kagura chan and we took a photo! First photo of the day ahaha

Then I looked around the booths and got myself an Aoba badge! It's now pinned onto my pencil case (: Too bad they didn't have the other characters.. I would love to get Noiz! 

Watched cosplay chess for the first time and it's so freaking cool!!! Though I totally ran out of energy in the middle and sat down for the rest of the show... But the introduction of the players one by one really got my adrenaline running. I mistook Laura Croft for Revy and Sora for Yukimura lolol. Anyway, I can see the effort gone into putting up the show and it's really alot of hard work, with all the voice overs and staged fights. -kowtows- 

I'm getting better at using the software to edit the photos, I don't do plastic surgery okies hahaha i enhance the colours and brighten up the skin. Occasionally add in a blush if it's a close up of the face. Look at this!! I managed to remove a guy who was in the picture!! So proud of myself and all under 10 minutes too.

Photo spam time

Katsurap yoyoyo!! Trying to act hip hop but failed miserably, I always end up kicking yz for fun because it was so awkward. We even tried to walk in a hip hop manner on our way to the event but the other two say I look like i'm skipping -_-

More photos will be up on fb these few days (:

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