Wednesday 18 June 2014


I'm so broke!!! I need to earn some money!!

I knew something like this was going to happen when my friend said "Hey let's go to Faceshop!" It was only $2.90 -cries- it's so cute! Guys let's meet up on a nice day and do make up + nails for each other. I have a lot of fake lashes and nail polish

From funan anime matsuri.. First day was quite bad for me because I was hoping so hard to get a selfie with Hana and Baozi-- because it's Aoba and Koujaku!! I didn't even get to go within 1 meter of them even after camping outside the meido cafe they were eating at lolol. Second day was much better cos I saw more cosplays I was interested in, but I had to leave early to celebrate fathers day at my grandparents' house.


I also realised that I won't be able to go all out during cosfest in July because my relatives are visiting... They were supposed to come last week but kept delaying until the dates right smack clashes with cosfest. It's no one's fault..... But I'm still angry. Come on....................... My mum got so rudely adamant that I bring them around. I was so irritated with her attitude. Now that things have come to this, of course I will bring them around and take care of them hello am I that disrespectful or blindly engrossed in cosplay? At the same time can't she understand that cosfest is a major event in the cos scene and can't she try understanding my disappointment?????? I had planned to stay over at a chalet and even paid for it ages ago, my plans are being disrupted now okay..... 

I guess it's a good thing I didn't have plans with any teams during cosfest (too busy during FYP to join teams), I was feeling oddly unsettled before but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise :/ Actually I can see things working out.. I'll bring my relatives around during weekdays no problem, shop at orchard on saturday and my mum can take over after she ends work in the afternoon. Then I'll go down to the event see see look look and sleep over for one night and go home on sunday afternoon.

I'm not so upset about not being able to cos for the event, but if I don't get to see and hang out with my cosfriends that weekend I'll feel terrible hehehe it's like being left out from the party. Not to mention, there is news that this will be the last cosfest before some major changes take place.

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