Sunday 13 July 2014

Graduation and a really busy week

I've graduated!! The ceremony was more entertaining than I thought, wearing the gown was warmer than I imagined and it was so crowded OTL I could sense that my mum was delighted and proud hahaha my dad looks blur as usual and he didn't say much but I still love you papa. 

LOVELY FLOWERS from my parents and my band friends. It's the first time I receive such a huge bouquet of flowers, and also the NUS science bear bear which is so adorable I hug him every morning. My friends must have spent so much on these T ^T thank you so much I will treasure them all. Hoping to dry the flowers and keep them in the bouquet but I have no idea how??????? 

I thought I had a proper closure with someone but a well meaning friend told me that he hasn't given up... Seeing him look so nervous and happy to congratulate me on graduation day..... I feel really terrible. I just wish there's a painless way for him to move on.

The sax performance at pjc was okay only blehhhh I was extra stressed cos there was a brass quintet performing after us and they were sitting in during our performance. Aiya..... I kept thinking I was the noobiest player (which is true, just that it bothered me alot more since other good players were watching) and felt so so so self conscious. As a result, I missed more notes than I would have. And my low notes were flat flat flat omg.... I promise the next school gig will be better. T_T

Went out with lab mates yesterday to hunt for a birthday present and I ended up getting this pair of fake diamond earrings HAHA I wore my mum's pair of real diamond earrings for a bit after forcing my ear holes open and she got quite naggy after spotting them carelessly left on my table OTL so I got my own pair. They're cheap.... given how shiny and pretty the crystals are. And comfortable to sleep in so I'll keep them on all the time (Y)

The first time I'm posting photos of us up on the blog.. I've half a mind to make this blog private.. but we'll see how. 
Our selfies so far! Everytime I see these photos I start laughing XDXD especially the middle one because it's really lao ah pek

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