Wednesday 22 May 2013

Work in progress

Taking a break from reading insurance module m9, the test is this thursday. I passed the first one last friday, thanks for all your encouragement :)

I'm suddenly feeling very stressed over this pastime which I really like and hope to do well for: cosplay. It's not a bad stress I guess, as in it's not making me unhappy, just anxious and ??? if I can produce what I have in mind.

Need to list out all I need to do for each character and this will set me off in getting them done. I was kinda putting everything off but the sooner I start on them, the more progress I can make (duh) and the less anxious I will feel.

The fins
Cloth is in hand. Cut out the foam thingy to give it shape, cover it with the cloth. 
I need to figure out how to attach them to the skirt nicely. Stick using pins? Sew on? Attach buttons and clip on?

Fluffy arm and neck bands
Considering a ridiculous idea of using shower caps, cut through the top to make it a hoop and covering it with cotton fluff to achieve the desired effect.

Jewel thingy
Get a pin on badge and paint it over. Can pin to my top.

Hair accessory
On closer inspection, it's just like two long hair clips extending to the sides of the head. So it doesn't cover the forehead, though I could choose to make it like a full circlet if I wanted to (Nahh too much work) I'm going to.. I don't know actually. Was thinking of styrofoam balls since it gives the 3D look. Stick them onto long clip pins or short ones where one ball= one pin. But the balls will detach easily D: urgh urgh urgh

Decorating the tail
This is still my main concern because it's either make or break. I want a glittery tail which can been seen from photos. I don't have money. Buy lots of fabric glitter (is there such a thing) and paint on? Buy shiny reflective paper, cut into cubes and stick them on one by one? Not sure if fabric glue will work between these 2 materials.. Buy some kind of translucent lacy cloth and sew on artistically lol?

It's very hard to walk in the outfit and there's no way I can move about without getting the tail dirty. Even when posing I will have to step on the inside of the tail to display it nicely at the bottom. I really don't know what to do. Maybe I have no choice but to let it get dirty. But it's a cream colour and any stains will be obvious D:

It's a borrowed wig and the styling is undone already. Me is very bad at styling.. will need to ask for help ASAP. The first and only time I tried it on, I looked like a mad woman LOL

Clothings I need to get 
A plain pink shirt to be worn under the outfit, plain white long pants. If you guys have can lend? :))

Heart and diamond shape design on the top
I've the cloth, not sure if the colour is too dark but red cloth is common and not a worry. Probably going to stick or sew the shapes on the top when I get it from auntie

2 arm bands and 2 wrist bands, pink
These were the first parts of the outfit I worried about after accepting the character. Till now I haven't come up with a good way to make them. Worst scenario I'll just use bandages and paint them pink =X

Make up for Hisoka
I need to try out his eye make up... it's a very important part of his character.. Get face paint or use eyeshadow to draw on the star and tear drop on his face..

Height and size issue
I've managed to borrow shoes suitable for Hisoka, but it's size 40 and do not increase my height. The team is made up of mostly guys, I'm going to be uncharacteristically short and small in size. No way out of this =/

Pretty sure you've seen my previous cosplay photo so not uploading again. The photoshoot is this coming saturday. I've got to touch up on the gun a little, cut the wig and stick the white bands on. No problem :)

I've gotten permission from team leader to go late this sat so I can meet up with dialovers team to get cloth at bugis and chinatown before going for the shoot. I don't know what to do about my makeup.. Will definitely do up my eye make up and attach eyelashes before leaving the house. But that would mean concealer as well and that's basically my whole face -_- I don't know how effective my touching up will be....... sigh and the wig's a pain to put on.

Subaru Sakamaki
Feeling slightly better about Subaru now that I'm able to meet the team and get cloth together. Previously when I though I couldn't because of the photoshoot this saturday, I couldn't even bear to look at pictures of the character hahaha

Worry about tailoring.. Auntie's really really busy I know, she hasn't given me my hisoka outfit so don't know if she'll accept new requests due at an even earlier date.. 

Hoping that the wig will arrive on time, the one I wanted was out of stock not once but twice so had to settle for a not so nice one.

Height issue again, I'm a little on the short side in the team for my character and so I need to increase my height since the team specially asked for it. I have no white platform boots. I have no money to spend on new ones :( No idea who to borrow from but I will have to ask really soon.


Finally wrapped things up!!!! Anyone wants to go cosplay shopping with me soon? I'm also considering if I should take up another invitation to cos this november for AFA.. I will be going for AFA and no characters in mind yet. So might as well join them? hehe but money and time.....
Edit: well scratch that, I've taken them up on the offer.. All the best!

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