Friday 15 June 2007

Q and A lol

I have a sudden urge to abandon the blog XD Shall write about things i like: ANIME! =D
What anime are you watching currently?
Ok, let me list them out. Starting from the weekly instalment ones.
Bleach- the latest episode 129 was something like a filler and i was rather disappointed. Get on with the story lah, or all the fans will move on to another anime. One good point though, shinigami golden cup is back. I kind of missed it when they replaced it with the arrancar dictionary (or something along that line)

Darker than black- one of my favourite anime currently. Though it lacks a main plot, each episode is full of action. Enough action to keep me interested and continue watching. Not to mention the great opening song and graphics. I love the abilities of each contractor, so special and unique. Hei is becoming hotter with every episode. Already at episode 9, they should start introducing the main plot or people will lose interest.

Claymore- one word to describe : FANTASTIC XD A great deal of fighting and surprises ever since Teresa was introduced. A far cry from the first few episodes which were boring and irritating with the Raki, male character, crying each time. But after exploring Clare's (antagonist) past in episode 5, the plot became soooo addictive. Come to think of it, episode 5 was also the episode they left out Raki. Wahaha perhaps i have something against whiny guys. *Will suffer from withdrawal symptoms if i don't watch a new episode of claymore every week.* For those who are interested, a note of caution. Claymore is slightly gory.

The following anime are ahead of my watching pace, so i don't have to wait every week to watch them.
Innocent venus- *Bishie alert!* Didn't catch my attention initially, i actually watched 2 episodes of it and stopped for a month before resuming. The plot caught on at episode 3 because more characters were introduced. A story of betrayal. Pretty cliche actually, but still worth watching to see the development (and the bishies).

Ayashi no ceres-*Bishie alert!* I know, i know, this is a rather old series. Hardly my style too cos it's romance, the 'into your bones' type -__- Love triangles, bitterness and a little of fighting. Still watching it now cos i'm a few episodes away from the end plus it has a bitter sweet ending and i'm in the mood for that ^^. Infact i'm watching Ayashi no ceres as i type this.

Kiss dum engage planet- A pretty new series. I've just started watching, so can't comment much. The 1st episode looked pretty promising, but the development went increasingly messy at epispde3. The worst thing was, they actually put a recap at episode4! Gosh, making a recap episode so early is a waste of time. I shall watch a few more episodes before deciding further.

Was watching Ayatsuri Sakon too, but stopped. Detective anime isn't in my range of 'watchable' genre.

What anime do you want to watch but don't have the chance to?
Aha! LOTS. Noir- because of the songs and assassins (love assassins ^_^)
Madlax- the songs are the main attraction again and i've heard pretty positive comments about this series
Trinity blood- Vampires! And i'm in love with the ending song 'broken wings' The manga was really well drawn too, i have books 1 and 2. Available for borrowing haha. Trinity blood has been on my watchlist for a long time.
Vampire hunter D- Yes, vampires again.
Black lagoon- It brings to mind Trigun for some strange reason, and i've seen some parts (the action scenes). Left a strong impression.
Kenshin- I can't believe i've not watched this yet. Can be considered a classic thus a must-watch! I was lucky to see the movie 'Samurai X-reflection' on animax and was so touched that i cried at the end.

I hope to get some of those titles in malaysia. Yup, that will be my mission, along with cutting my hair. Failure is NOT and option! ._.

I've finished another 2 history essays, 5 more to go! All homework done except for history and personal statement. I'm confident of completing them after i return from malaysia next week. Also did lots of revision yay!

The above paragraph was an attempt to convince myself that i have not been slacking my holidays away.

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