Sunday 11 November 2012

AFA 2012

This was hands down the most tiring event ever but it was so eventful!! But I wish I had better time management and that the handphone reception at expo was better. Super super duper long post! So I'll start off with some complaints as usual ;)

Arrived there earlier than expected and managed to get my ticket. The hall was huge, and it was hard walking from one end to the other because it was too crowded, and my shoes were killing me. Perhaps I didn't study the floor plan well enough, perhaps the management didn't do a good enough job labeling the entry points, I couldn't find the entrance for the festive stage -_- even received wrong directions from a staff. I have leg muscle ache today T__T

The reception was really bad, and I forgot to tell Kyou and the rest to please pick up their phones. As a result, I was separated from the team after finishing my seiyuu event, and again after my interview. Waste time, energy and my phone battery ttm while looking for them.

Also, I would really rather not have a person who's not in the team to tag along especially if he/she causes inconvenience because wants to do his/her own stuff. We can meet and go together, but please go solo after that if you want to do sth that the rest have no interest in.

This time there were a lot of cosplayers, too many I didn't know how to start taking photos so I ended up not taking any.. except of ppl I know and the Genei Ryodan.. Not good :( 

Next up-- Happy stuff :D I SAW DAISUKE KISHIO!!! screamed a lot at him and took photos and videos even though it's not allowed. Nvm, as long as I don't share them in public right? ^_^
Kishio was very very cute on stage though he never really looked in my direction :( though I was sitting in the middle section. He did a voice for the merlion and initially he did that gurgling sound XD and said that the merlion couldn't speak because water was coming out of it's mouth HAHA
Then after his song, he asked for water and while Danny Choo was blocking the camera while Kishio drank, Kishio kept peeping out from behind Danny with ADORABLE EXPRESSIONS. Like O.O and :3 hahahaha I also caught him pouting (idk?? XD) while May'n was being interviewed hehe

Lots of other people were also screaming for Kishio, it was a good sign!! I really hope AFA invites other male seiyuus in the future. Please please please~~

I also managed to find and buy my Dramatical Murder badges, didn't want to get the full set at first but the person told me that it's cheaper to get everything so that was what I did =D I was a few meters away from the booth and checked my goods. Realised that they missed out Mink!! Omg flew back and 'demanded' my Mink haha! With this, I'm planning to start a DMMd cosplay team soon and give the respective badges out to the cosers. 

While looking for Kyou and the rest, I saw the loves of my life, the Genei Ryodan!! Super happy and excited!! And it's very special because there was a Shalnark within the team!!!!! MY LAOGONG~ I took solo shots of them (kuroro, hisoka and shalnark) and then took a shot with Shal kun. Pity I didn't look very nice there but it's ok.

Nope I'm not sorry that I manipulated the photo XDXDXD

I actually went back to find them again after the full team assembled, this time with Bonorenofu and Feitan. Took group shots 8D

Then I went for a scheduled interview with a Japanese professor who flew to Singapore just these few days to give a talk on Japanese pop culture in NUS today and tomorrow. I did her survey on anime and manga perception a few months back and so honoured sia, my answers caught her attention. So she asked me a lot of questions and I had a lot of fun rambling on and on about my love for anime and manga, essentially all my feels. She was so interested in what I had to say about my love hate relationship with Yaoi and voice recorded everything down HAHA first time someone pays so much attention to my anime and manga ramblings (Y) 

We even spoke about seiyuus OMG you know.. seiyuus are really so popular in Japan. The anime and manga fandom overseas may be huge, but love for seiyuus is totally underrated. She asked for my favourite seiyuu cos I told her about Daisuke Kishio and when I said Nakamura Yuuichi, she said 'youkyan'!! She admires Yoshimasa Hosoya alot, and calls him 'Hosoyan'. T___T true blue seiyuu fan there. It was awesome talking to her =DDD 

The poor guy who was with her knows nothing about seiyuus (he doesn't know about yuri either O_o even though he likes anime and manga and draws) and she explained to him that she likes Hosoyan for his voice only, not the appearance. While Youkyan, whom I like, is quite good looking. I was like... O_o because I actually consider Hosoyan to be better looking than Youkyan. I once watched a video of Hosoyan singing and dancing and 被电到 haha

Anyways in the end she gave me a set of tiger and bunny bookmarks. Yay :) but too bad I didn't watch the series because it seems to have too much boy love.

I went out after the interview and was lucky enough to find the rest who had their photos taken by lots of photographers while I was not there T__T it's ok I'll survive.
 I don't have all the photos yet so just sharing what I have on my camera..

 I honestly wish I had nicer lips.. they're so thick me no likey. Time to experiment with lip concealers :P added lip colour to this one, still not too bad :D

With Kyou's friend!

Overall, cosplay wise I tried eye shadow make up and lower lashes for the first time and it was passable by my standards. Still got lots to improve though!! Hope the rest enjoyed themselves hehe I was really quite impatient but hey someone has got to play the bad guy right! and Yz arh......... really got to put in more effort and take care of the costume and wigs (really heart pain when I see the state of my wig). 

Still, really need to thank Yz and Kyou for cosplaying together with me. Hope to cosplay together again!! Cos I've been asked to join groups here and there which do not include them. But if I form my own team, I'll definitely leave a spot for yz and kyou~!

More photos on fb soon~~


  1. whats your fackbook?
    add me!!

    -shal kun

    1. hello! sorry but unless i'm convinced you're the cosplayer, I'd choose not to add :) gomen ne, especially if you really are the coser ><

  2. its okay.. just want to make more friends. if u feel comfortable den add me lor.=)if not well no obligation..=)
    the facebook link is my cosplay acct. just started cosplaying for the first time.=)

    1. I see! That makes sense now haha congrats on your debut, as my fave character no less (: i'll send a request tmr (:
