Friday 8 February 2008


People, stop egging me on lah!

Whatever, i shall return to my favourite topic, anime and manga 1st. I think i'm suffering from withdrawal symtoms after not getting new manga for so long. I actually dreamt of buying Saiyuki reload manga book 9! I don't even have book 7 yet and i dream of book 9. XD In my dream, i also saw lots of CLAMP magazines and art books. Didn't check the prices, thankfully or my wonderful dream would have ended early.
Told my mum about the dream and she said '日有所思, 夜有所梦' -.- WTH is she not going to do anything about it? I plan to get trinity blood and maybe more art books. Those things cost, not a bomb, but bombs. So i need my mum to sponsor ^_^

Reunion dinner was the same as usual, steamboat at my grandparents' house then watch lots of tv. There was no majong table, and no one brought cards. Eheh, it's a tradition in the Lin family to abstain from gambling. The adults were all at the dining table, chatting. I was prepared for these, from past experiences, so i brought a book to read. Title: Dead Connection. Lol, not very auspicious i know. Reached home around 12 midnight so i missed burst angel and monster X_X But i watched azumanga daioh yesterday and laughed alot XD

Contary to popular beliefs, he does not look like david tao/ have big nostrils/ wear specs. I did not meet him randomly while wondering around the school ok. As you guys know, i kind of brisk walk everywhere with a destination in mind so i don't usually look around while walking; just straight ahead. Thus it is practically impossible that i spot any nice guys in school this way. This is crazy lar! Thankyou Bao, but i don't think it's necessary. I have very good self control. LOL I'm not going to do anything, guys. But don't you think it's sad? It's the 1st crush i have in real life after 4 years and it's going to just fade away.

Don't worry, Shalnark dear, i still love you the most ^_^ muacks!!~
Read from right to left please. Why are the pictures always so blur? T_T

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